The Ginger*house Story
"Ahh…Christmas memories…. stress free, like they never were"
We all have a mental picture of how Christmas is supposed to look... you know, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, the "one-horse-open sleigh ride to Grandma's, turkey dressing and homemade pecan pie and of course, handmade gifts wrapped lovingly in colors to match the decorations on the "real" tree. I forgot to mention the smell of warm gingerbread waiting to be transformed by creative, well behaved, children into a whimsical gingerbread house, yea right.... Now for reality ... Chestnuts are warmed in the microwave, the sleigh is a red SUV, Mom orders all her gifts online, a pre-lit tree comes down from the attic, Grandma picks up dinner from a local restaurant and she and her new husband will leave for the beach as soon as the last paper plate hits the garbage can.
Our fast paced world has successfully dealt with all of these traditions except one...the Gingerbread house. They tried with houses of graham crackers and pre-baked walls compete with candy and instructions. The instructions include how to use 17 Cheerios, 26 M&M's, 13 marshmallows, and 42 gumdrops, (one shy of the 43, needed to cover the roof.) These "store bought” houses even come with their own stress because now you have to make yours at least as good as the one on the box. Gingerbread houses are like snowflakes ...no two should be alike! They should be full of fantasy and fun. Here is where "Ginger*houses" come into the picture! Ginger*houses come ready, reusable, and stress free. Now here is a Christmas tradition for the new millennium. We hope you enjoy this holiday activity and it bring some old fashioned smiles to your family!
We offer several sizes and shapes of houses. Small children may need the smaller sizes to stay in line with their attention span. Houses can be used together to perhaps look more like your own house or separately as a village. The smallest house is perfect for a dog house companion to your collection.